Terms & conditions


You agree to follow and be governed by these terms of use and to comply with all relevant laws and regulations by using https://emergencyelectricianlondon247.co.uk/. Please do not use this Site if you do not consent to these terms of service. These terms of service are subject to change at any moment without prior notification to you.


These terms and conditions govern your relationship with https://emergencyelectricianlondon247.co.uk/, the founder and owner of this Website (including any sub-domains, unless specifically excluded by their own terms and conditions). Please carefully read these terms and conditions as they influence your legal rights. When you use the Website for the first time, you are assumed to have agreed to agree with and be subject by these terms and conditions. You should immediately cease using the Website if you do not agree to be governed by these terms and conditions.

In these terms and conditions, “User” or “Users” refers to any third party who accesses the Website and is not either I employed by emergencyelectricianlondon247 and acting in the course of their employment, or (ii) involved as an advisor or otherwise delivering assistance to emergencyelectricianlondon247 and accessing the Website in connection with such services.

To use this Website, you are at least 18 years old. You represent and guarantee that you are at least 18 years old while using the Website and consenting to these terms and conditions.

Acceptable use and intellectual property

1. Except for content posted by Users, all content on the Website is owned by Emergency Electrician London 247, its affiliates, or other applicable third parties. Any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations, page layout, underlying code and software, and any other means of communicating capable of being kept in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website, including any such content uploaded by Users, is referred to as Content in these terms and conditions. By continuing to use the Website, you accept that copyright, trademarks, database rights, and other intellectual property rights protect the Content. Without the owner’s explicit written permission, nothing on this site should be interpreted as giving, by insinuation, implication, or otherwise, any licence or permission to use any branding, logo, or service mark shown on the site.

2. You may perform the following for your own individual, non-commercial use only:

a. on a computer screen, obtain, display, and see the Content

3. You may not otherwise duplicate, edit, copy, distribute, or use for business reasons any Content without Emergency Electrician London 247’s prior written authorization.

Use is not permitted.

4. You are not permitted to use the Website for the following purposes:

a. in any manner that damages or threatens to harm the Website or conflicts with anyone else’s use or benefit of the Website;

b. in a damaging, unethical, illegal, abusive, harassing, threatening, or otherwise objectionable manner, or in violation of any relevant law, regulation, or governmental order;

c. creating, sending, or saving electronic copies of copyright-protected content without the owner’s consent.

Other websites’ links

5. Links to other websites may be found on this website. These websites are not under the authority of Emergency Electrician London 247 or our affiliates unless specifically noted.

6. We take no control over the content of many of these Websites and disclaim any and all responsibility for any and all losses or damages incurred as a result of their usage.

7. The presence of a hyperlink to another website on this Site does not mean that the websites themselves or those in charge of them are endorsed.


Website accessibility and disclaimers

8. Any web facilities, tools, services, or information made available by Emergency Electrician London 247 via the Website (the Service) are given “as is” and “as available.” We make no guarantees that the Service will be free of errors or flaws. We make no promises (express or implied) of suitability for a specific purpose, validity of the information, compatibility, or good quality to the degree allowed by law. Emergency Electrician London 247 is not obligated to keep the Website up to date.

9. While Emergency Electrician London 247 makes reasonable efforts to keep the Website safe and free of errors, viruses, and other malware, we make no warranty or guarantee in this regard, and all Users are responsible for their own security, as well as the security of their personal information and computers.

10. Emergency Electrician London 247 assumes no responsibility for the Website’s interruption or non-availability.

11. Emergency Electrician London 247 maintains the right to change, suspend, or terminate any portion (or all) of the Website at any time, including, but not limited to, any items and/or services offered. Unless otherwise noted, these terms and conditions will remain true to any changed version of the Website.

Liability restrictions

12. Nothing in these terms and conditions will: (a) restrict or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury caused by our or your negligence; (b) restrict or exclude our or your responsibility for deception or professional misconduct; or (c) restrict or exclude any of our or your liabilities in any way not permitted by applicable law.

13. We shall not be responsible to you for any damages incurred as a result of occurrences beyond our proper control.

14. To the fullest extent legally authorized, Emergency Electrician London 247 disclaims any and all responsibility for:

a. any company losses, such as profit, income, revenue, projected savings, contracts, goodwill, or commercial prospects;

b. any data, database, or software loss or corruption;

c. any loss or harm that is special, indirect, or consequential.


15. You may not assign or transmit any one of your rights under these terms and conditions. If we reasonably think your rights will not be harmed, we may transmit our rights under these terms and conditions.

16. We have the right to change these terms and conditions at any moment. From the date of publication, the updated conditions will apply to the Website. Users should review the terms and conditions on a frequent basis to ensure that they are acquainted with the most recent version.

17. These terms and conditions constitute the whole understanding between the parties pertaining to the subject matter and replace all earlier conversations, arrangements, or agreements relating to the terms and conditions.

18. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 does not apply to these terms and conditions, and no third party will be able to enforce or rely on any of them.

19. If a court or qualified jurisdiction finds that any clause of these terms and conditions (or part of any clause) is invalid, illegal, or impossible to enforce, that provision or part-provision will be deemed to be deleted to the extent required, without affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions.

20. Unless otherwise agreed, a party’s delay, act, or omission in exercising any right or solution will not be construed as a waiver of that or any other right or remedy.


21. This Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with UK law, and any disputes arising out of it (including non-contractual disagreements or claims) are binding on the court of UK courts.